Bargaining Portal

In the coming months, postdocs (PDs) and graduate student workers (GSWs) will negotiate our first union contract that will enshrine our rights and benefits. The involvement of every single PD and GSW is critical to our success. Whatever we win in our contract, we win together. To move on important issues, Caltech administration will need to see that PDs and GSWs are united, mobilized, informed, and serious about our bargaining demands. The more PDs and GSWs that participate in the bargaining process, the better positioned we are collectively to negotiate for a contract that will serve all of us effectively. To engage:

From our overwhelming mandate won in our union election and our initial bargaining demands, it’s clear that PDs and GSWs are excited to negotiate workplace improvements and exercise the power we are building. United for a better Caltech.

Linked in our tracker below are proposals that have formally passed at the bargaining table between our elected bargaining team and administration’s bargaining team. “Tentative Agreements” or “TAs” have been agreed to by both teams to be set aside while negotiations of remaining articles continue. Notably, no article is in effect until a majority of PDs and a majority of GSWs vote to ratify the entire contract.