Two months after filing union authorization cards, Caltech graduate students and postdocs will have the opportunity to vote in an election to officially form our union. Our voices will be heard thanks to the tireless work of graduate students and postdocs who kickstarted the campaign, spoke with their peers, organized meetings/info-sessions, and signed cards. 

The details for the election are as follows:
When: January 31 and February 1 from 9:00 am – 1 pm and 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: Ramo Auditorium Lobby
How: In person, except for eligible mail-voters assigned to work outside the LA area

Note that Caltech has reserved the right to challenge the eligibility or inclusion of Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship Trainees, but all Postdocs will be allowed to vote, with 50 Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship Trainees voting under challenge. If you have questions about this, please don’t hesitate to simply reply to this email.

As always, you can read more about what unions of academic workers have achieved for graduate students and postdocsissues specific to international scholarsand frequently asked questions on the C/GPU website. There will also be a zoom informational session on January 19th at 12:00PM outlining the road to the election and what collective bargaining could look like at Caltech. RSVP here!

If you would like to help win this election, please get in touch!

The strength of support at the New Year, New Union majority rally, the sheer number of people who signed the letter asking for a fair process, and the volume of cards delivered to the NLRB encouraged the Caltech administration to agree to a speedy election. Despite continued opposition from the institution, the breadth and depth of this movement are forces to be reckoned with. 

The election provides a uniquely democratic opportunity for each and every one of us to be heard. Let’s not squander it—use your voice and vote! 

Towards a better Caltech,
Ruolin Deng, Geology