• Collective bargaining info sessions – RSVP here
  • Bargaining team nominations open on Monday, 3/25
  • Fill out the bargaining survey!

My name is Jeremy, and I’m a GPS postdoc. As we start to gear up for collective bargaining it’s time to take a bit of a closer look at what the bargaining process will entail and how postdocs and graduate student workers (GSWs) can get the most out of our first contracts. That’s why a few of our fellow postdocs and GSWs are hosting three collective bargaining info sessions:

  • This Thursday (3/14) at 5pm in room TBD
  • Upcoming Tuesday (3/19) at 5pm in room TBD
  • Next Thursday (3/21) at 2pm on Zoom

You can RSVP for the location or zoom and submit questions ahead of time here!

Next Monday (3/18), the nomination period opens until 3/27 for a bargaining team made up of 5 postdocs student workers. Nominees will submit 250 word personal statements, which will be available to all postdocs to read from April 2 through the election. You can review the full bargaining team election procedure here. Remaining key upcoming dates include:

  • April 2-10: Bargaining Team candidates can campaign. Candidates cannot use C/GPU-UAW or Caltech resources to campaign, but should be reachable on campus, (personal) zoom, phone, or email.
  • April 11-12: Bargaining Team elections. Voting will take place online, and will be done through a selection of 5 bargaining team members from the list of folks running.

Lastly, please fill out our bargaining survey if you haven’t gotten a chance! The best way to ensure a strong contract is to make sure you’re communicating what you want to see change (or stay the same) about our working conditions. This bargaining survey also gives direct input to our initial bargaining demands which a majority of GSWs and postdocs will ratify next month by majority sign on. With a unified voice ready to demonstrate support for our demands at the bargaining table, GSWs and postdocs can improve our working conditions together!

If you’d like to get more plugged into this process, please fill out this form, come to our organizing committee meetings on Mondays at 5pm (location subject to change), reach out to any organizer, or even respond to this email to learn more!

In solidarity,
Jeremy Schreier, GPS