Bargaining Updates

On Requests for Information

Recently, you received communication from Dean David Chan regarding requests for information (RFIs) made by your elected bargaining representatives.  Requests for information put us on equal footing with the Caltech administration by ensuring that the same data is...

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Colleagues Share: Why We Keep Us Safe

RSVP and join hundreds of your fellow Graduate Student Workers and Postdocs to rally on campus next Friday, July 19th, 12-1pm! Why?Caltech administration wants to undercut our new timely and enforceable grievance process. They proposed during our last bargaining...

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Who Keeps Us Safe? We Keep Us Safe.

As Graduate Student Workers (GSWs) and Postdocs look forward to more bargaining at the end of the month after a well-attended June bargaining session, it’s important to remember that: we are the union, we enforce our contract, and we keep us safe. GSWs and Postdocs...

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