Email Digest

Union election: Vote Jan 31-Feb 1

Two months after filing union authorization cards, Caltech graduate students and postdocs will have the opportunity to vote in an election to officially form our union. Our voices will be heard thanks to the tireless work of graduate students and postdocs who...

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Unionization Next Steps + Info Session and Q&A

TL;DR: Curious about our road to election? Questions about the bargaining process? Opinions about what should be in our future contract? RSVP HERE for our open forum on Zoom! Last Thursday, C/GPU-UAW delivered union authorization cards to the National Labor Relations...

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We filed for our union!

Exciting news—earlier today, C/GPU delivered union authorization cards to the National Labor Relations Board! We have officially asked for recognition of our union. This calls for a celebration! Please join us at 5pm outside of Caltech Hall (same place as the majority...

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Be part of Caltech union building history

You’ve done your part and signed our petition for fair recognition, alongside over 500 of your fellow grads and postdocs. Thank you! Now it’s time to deliver the petition and celebrate our filing! Join your fellow signatories at the Turtle Pond tomorrow Thursday...

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Questions about Unionizing?

Do you have any lingering questions about what it means to unionize at Caltech? How do we enforce our rights in our workplace through a grievance process? What material benefits have other unionized universities seen? How is this different from what we already have? ...

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Grad/Postdoc Unionization Town Hall

As you’ve likely heard by now, a majority of graduate students and postdocs have indicated their support for a union at Caltech! On October 11th at 5:00PM in South Mudd 162, Caltech Grads and Postdocs United (C/GPU) will continue the conversation about what we hope to...

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C/GPU has majority support!

Thank you to everyone who made it to the New Year, New Union majority rally on Wednesday! In case you missed it, a majority of graduate students and postdocs at Caltech support forming a union! This is a huge milestone (more later about what this means), but the...

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